Frequently Asked Questions


What is a wiki, anyway?


See wiki.


Do I need to be a Christian to join?


Yes, you need to be a Christian to join any church.


But you certainly don't need to be a Christian to participate. See membership.


How do you decide who is a Christian?


We don't. There is no creed associated with this cyberchurch as yet, so there are no required beliefs, there is no doctrinal basis, none of that.


Whether you are a Christian is ultimately a matter for you and God to decide. If we can help we will.


Then how do you decide...?


...who can become a member? It's not that hard!


We talk. We pray. We ask God to speak to us (including to you), and we expect it to happen. We reach consensus. God is in charge here. Listening to his voice is not difficult for those who want to listen.


We will not reject you, any more than God will. He will provide the appropriate ways for you to be involved, and make them clear to all of us, if only we all allow him to be God. Please pray for us too.


I want to join, and I'm not a Christian. So there! How are you going to react?


We're excited about talking to you about this. Jesus is obviously important to you, and you've obviously been hurt by some of the really bad things said and done in his name. We think we can help you. If we fail in this it won't be for lack of trying, we promise you that.


See the wrangles page for some other good questions