
some fragments of liturgy you might find useful


(one way or another.)


There are few things more likely to make someone feel uncomfortable than the feeling that they are expected to do or know things that they don't know anything about. This often happens in church! (Words fail, don't they?) So if you are using any of these, unless you are completely confident that everyone knows them, give them a lead. Print it in the order of service, or announce it, or do something to make sure that everyone knows what to do and say.


But not everyone will do this. Sigh. So come here from time to time too, and bone up on what other people might throw at you!


Feel free to use these in your own liturgy. They are the property of the whole church, Praise God! But...


...but please, please, PLEASE read the first paragraph above, and make sure people know what is expected of them. Everyone is important to God. If they aren't important to you too, then maybe you shouldn't be leading public worship.


The leader or first speaker's words are in plain text, the responses in bold, any other instructions such as the context in which the fragment occurs in italic. Each box contains an independent fragment. If no context is indicated, it might happen anytime!


Who is the church?


We are the church!


This is used very effectively in Kairos prison ministry programs

After a Bible reading


This is the Word of the Lord


Thanks be to God

After a Gospel reading (for which in some churches, the congregation will stand)


This is the Gospel of our Lord


Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ


this, and standing for the Gospel reading, is particularly used in Roman Catholic churches

Particularly on Easter Day (Easter Sunday)


He is risen!


He is risen indeed!

The Lord be with you


And also with you


And with you also

leading into communion


The Lord be with you

And also with you or And with you also

Lift up your hearts

We lift them up to the Lord

Let us give thanks to God

It is right to give him thanks and praise

God is good

All the time

And all the time

God is good