
orders of service

Page history last edited by PBworks 19 years ago

A resources page.


See also the liturgy and lectionary pages.


This is a page for orders of service - service outlines in various formats and for various occasions. It's here to provide some shortcuts when planning a service. Why reinvent the wheel?


Regular Sunday service patterns


Gathering, Listening, Responding, Sending


In recent years, some churches have rediscovered what is claimed to be a very old pattern for services of worship. In this the service is divided into four phases, which follow logically one from the other.


A skeleton for this format of service

"Traditional" service


Many protestant churches traditionally use an order of service in which the sermon or message comes towards the end.


A traditional service skeleton


One way to give this the logic and flow of the gathering-listening-responding-sending model is to see it as an open ended service, in which there is a sense of growing opening to God which continues to grow, out into the world past the benediction, to explode...


more to follow


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