

Page history last edited by Andrew Alder 17 years, 4 months ago

Some links (both within this site and outside it) that you might find useful


  • topics - Our own topic page. Some of the wisdom of this cyberchurch, both human and divine.


  • the Bible (two sites that have really done things right!):
    • http://www.biblegateway.com/ allows you to look up passages in several versions and link to them.
    • http://www.e-sword.net/ for download of awesome free Bible software. Multiple versions, commentaries - Install it on your own PC, and give copies to your friends! Each version is quite a long download, but once you burn one to a CD it's quite legal to share it and give it away.



  • http://www.allchurches.com/ is an online, worldwide directory of churches. Find out what God is doing in your neighbourhood, and be part of it!






watch this space for things as they happen, or join and start making them happen


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