the seeker page

Hi. Welcome and thanks for visiting.


If we can help you in any way, please drop us a line. We won't hound you or give your details to anyone else. Or just browse around the site. Nobody is watching, we have a web counter but it doesn't give us any idea who has been here, it isn't even very accurate (none of them are).


You are a very important guest to us. We only believe in two types of people in this world: the Church, and the mission field. You're probably part of the mission field, if you're reading this. Or you may not be sure.


You may well have been offered the sinners prayer before, but it's recommended, with the reservations listed on that page. It helped an enormous number of people to take a life-changing step.


Thanks for coming to us. We have tried to come to you in providing this page, but we can only come so far. A bit like God. He made the first move, but it needs a response.